Answer :
Ag Cornet Tone
Silver tongue money sign blow
bellow ballast
moral bankruptcy notes
Reprobate shekel vocal chords
toot the Seductive Sound of the crafty coin jingle
Filthy lucre windpipes
utter-ly craving more and more
Tainted dross lips blare grifter bluesy groans,
lover of the honk heist Tap scale shrill moans
Pied piper pickpocket player (such a theft bar clone)
blow an Iscariot number
with a snatched purse pirate dirge Ag cornet tone
Argentum coffer con-duit
continuously ear play the bandito music,
that Gehazi leer song
Let the pilfering notes fill the covetous air
with a subtil silverware sound ...
Polluted decibel waves b crooked cavalier,
a-plundering thoughts abound —
Fork tongue reed bark paper lust promises;
empty air promissory echoes,
so wallet stolen wrong