
Answer :



2. suyo



5. tuyo

6. mios



1. The flute that is on the table belongs to me. The flute is mia. (mine)

2. Maria bought a new car. The car is suya. (hers)

3. This computer belongs to you. You can use it, it is tuyo. (yours)

4. Buy this puppy at the pet store. Believe me it's tuyo. (yours) ?

5. This package is tuya. It has your name and the address of your house. (yours)

6. Children, the books inside the box are mia. Take care of them. (mine)

7. Do you know if the gifts that are there are suyo or are they ours.

8. The wallet that I found is not mine, it belongs to Ana. I'm sure it's suya. (hers)

9. We brought out kids to the party. You brought tuya. (yours)

10. I recognize Ana's way of writing. Surely the notebook is suya. (hers)

I hope this helps... I was kinda confused on number 4 but have a great day :D