
Choose a healthy behavior and develop a positive health media message.
TV commercial
Radio commercial
Magazine ad
Internet popup ad
Teacher approved idea
Examples of healthy behaviors would include abstaining from drug/alcohol use, getting help for eating disorders, combating obesity, using firearm safely, using seatbelts, and maintaining good oral hygiene, healthy food selection, and activities that promote positive self image.

You will present a message to influence your target audience to make positive health choices. Your message can be presented as a video or by using a Web 2.0 tool such as Weebly or Jing.
Your presentation will
Focus on preventing risky behaviors.
Persuade people to choose a healthy behavior
Contain at least two strategies to achieve choosing a healthy behavior.
Answer the following questions to help you get started on your project:
50 POINTS!What is the purpose of your media message? (to inform or persuade)
What type of medium is it? (commercial, advertisement, or teacher approved)
Who is your intended audience?
What is the message? (main idea or main points)
What information can be omitted?
What techniques are you going to use to get attention?

Answer :

Final Project is important to maintain a healthy mind and body. Your healthbehaviors and the individual decisions you make can have aprofound effect on your health and the health of those aroundyou. Reflect on what you have learned throughout the module.Review the milestones you completed in previous lessons.Your project needs to focus on comparing aspects of health thatwe can control and those that we cannot control. Focus yourproject on the risky behaviors and what you can do to helpprevent certain unhealthy or unsafe problems. Create a group thatadvocates, or fights for, preventing risky behaviors. How can youand your peers be good influences on other peers who may bemaking poor choices?1.Choose a healthy behavior and develop a positive healthmedia message.1.TV commercial2.Radio commercial3.Magazine ad4.Internet popup ad5.Teacher approved ideaExamples of healthy behaviors would include abstaining fromdrug/alcohol use, getting help for eating disorders, combating

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