Answer :
All of the above.
This is because division of labor allows different tasks to be preformed in a society, increasing its technology, its economy, and its ability to outpreform others in war. More food is needed for survival is also necessary for a society to be considered a civilization, because otherwise everyone would have to be a farmer, and division of labor would not be able to occur. Next, in order to be considered a civilization, you need literature. This is because without literature, you wouldn't be able to record history, and write down thoughts and ideas. You need organized schools in order to have a civilization because without them, your future generation of people would not be educated and would not be able to contribute to society, therefore decreasing progress. Lastly, you need a hierarchy of priests, because religion is needed in order to form a civilization. This is because without religion, there would be no such thing as bad or good, as well as social structure.