
Plato’s book The Republic challenges society by offering new ideas.

Women are the same in kind as men, and have the same aptitude or want of aptitude for medicine or gymnastic or war. . . . If however their natures are the same, the inference is that their education must also be the same; there is no longer anything unnatural or impossible in a woman learning music and gymnastic. And the education which we give them will be the very best . . . will train up the very best women, and nothing can be more advantageous to the State than this.

–The Republic, Plato

Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

Plato believed that _____.

Plato believed that _____.

Plato believed that _____.

Answer :


Plato believed that

✔ men and women are similar


Plato believed that

✔ women could learn what men learned


Plato believed that

✔ educating women is good for the state
