
Which word could best be used in place of the word dock in this sentence? The sailor pulled his boat up to the dock and tied it to the post before getting off. quay barb vagabond clamor

Answer :

Answer:  Quay

Explanation: A vagabond is a person who wanders from place to place, a clamor is a loud noise, and a barb is a sharp projection. Therefore "quay", would be the best fit, because it is a platform projecting into the water. So, "The sailor pulled his boat up to the quay and tied it to the post before getting off."




A vagabond is someone who moves around from place to place, a clamor is a loud sound, and a barb is a sharp protrusion. As a result, "quay" is the best fit, as it is a platform that extends into the sea. "Before getting out, the sailor brought his boat up to the dock and secured it to the post."