
Answer :

The gods are said to be stronger than the titans.

The fact is Kronos when he first laid his eyes upon his first child. (The greek goddess Of hearths ‘Hestia'). he was terrified. He noticed that his child was the first of a new race. A new race smaller than the titans but much more powerful. He had a vision of how his daughter would be after she grows up. He saw a being more better than the titans in every aspect. He realised that his children would destroy his race. So he swallowed her whole. She stayed alive in Kronos's stomach but did not grow, she stayed asleep.

The thing is Kronos kept having these more powerful children with his wife Rhea. Everytime he would check if they were God or Titan. Everytime it was a God or Goddess, he gave birth to no titans. He realised that each new baby was more powerful than the previous.

So Kronos the most powerful titan himself said that the Gods were more powerful but that didnt stop him from trying to beat them. Because even though the gods were powerful. The titans always had Gaia's(the eart mother's) support. Since she was the mother of hr beloved titans. Since Gaia was all powerful. The gods needed their own back up. The demigods. Therefore the gods always managed to come out on top. So between the gods and titans. The gods are powerful.