
Should individuals who have oppressed or openly discriminated against other individuals or groups be honored with public statues or memorials? WRITE A RESPONSE!

Answer :


The answer will have to depend on what point in history, along with the other reason that the statue was/should be put up. For example, George Washington was a slave owner, but also the first President to the USA. With that in mind, yes he is and should be honored with a memorial. For those that disagree, don't tear statues down. You can voice that you want it down, but do not take action. It's not your place.

But, that being said, if someone openly voices their opinion toward a certain race/gender/sexuality/etc. and they own a large company, then no, I would not put up a statue/memorial because they do nothing substantial for our country or for people.

I believe that everyone is equal and we all bleed red. Treat people as your own.

You don't have to listen, but that's my opinion.

I feel like the severity of the situation is important. Statues should only be made of someone who represents a leader and in my opinion, a good leader does not discriminate.