Answer :
The porter helped put my luggage away while I found my seat.
The woman handed her swanky new coat to the attendant to hang up.
You couldn't tell that the mall needed major repairs behind the sparkling facade.
You could hear the crackling fire on the hearth through the whole house.
John is a congenial host, always making everyone feel welcomed.
The court will compel the witness to show up once they issue a summons.
The smell of the sweet, sugary cake was too tantalizing for the little girl to resist.
We don't need to involve the police over such a trifle matter.
The principal will administer new rules when he arrives.
You could see the bewildered look on the boy's face after she yelled at him.
After blood hits the air, it will start to congeal.
His mom tried to console him, but he just walked away.
The long wait at the check out line is enough to exasperate even the most patient customer!
Everyone said that her accent was peculiar since she was from Texas.
The lake was placid, it almost looked like glass.
The man used a sledgehammer to break open the large rock.
Even though the storage bin was up high, since it was translucent, I could see the book I needed was in it.
She never felt more tranquil than when she's at the beach.
The boss was a stickler for punctuality.
You could see how blissful the new parents were holding their baby.
They did not have permission to be on the premises.
Stealing money from those who are already poor is completely depraved.
The landlady stopped by once a month to collect the rent.
She was frantic with worry when her husband didn't return home.
They hoped to conjure up the spirit of their dead friend.