
literary devices!! can someone please help me?
what literary device is each one?
1.at 7;45 am., i open the doors to a building dedicated to building, yeah only breaks me down.
2. what is a literary device is masculinity mimicked.
3. what kind of illusion is “ part like the Red Sea.”
please help me!

Answer :

1. I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I’m guessing the building dedicated to another building is meant to be ironic. There could also be repetition or hyperbole a little bit, but I think irony is your best bet.

2. I literally can’t think of a single literary device that “masculinity mimics” but that phrase itself could probably be classified as alliteration. That’d be my best guess.

3. I’m not sure if the teacher speared it wrong, but that should be allusion with an a. And it’s alluring to Moses parting the Red Sea for Jesus.

Hope this helps!

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