Answer :
b) 1-iii, 2-iv, 3-i, 4-ii
1) Concentration camps were built since 1934 to 1942 to incarcerate any political opposition and diverse groups that Nationalsocialist Regime considered inferior in comparison to Aryan race or just corrupted. Such camps were used against Jews, Gypsies, Jehovah' Witnesses, political oppositors and prisioners of war. (Answer: 3-i)
2) The secret police during Nationalsocialist Regime was known under the name of Gestapo, an abbreviated from of the German phrase Geheime Staatpolizei (Secret State Police), which lasted from 1933 to 1945. (Answer: 2-iv)
3) Adolf Hitler was the Chancelor of the Greater German Reich from 1933 to 1945. (Answer: 1-iii)
4) The German Parliament during the Weimar Republic (1919 - 1933), formally known under the name of Deutsches Reich (German Reich) was the Reichstag. (Answer: 4 - ii)
Hence, correct answer is B.