Answer :
Ares says the best kind of war is when the relatives fight each other. Why would this be the most vicious kind of fight?
This would be the most vicious type of war because they turn on each other and they rip each other from their family (pick sides).
Describe the entrance to the Underworld.
The entrance to the Underworld looks like a cross between the airport security and the Jersey Turnpike.
How did Annabeth take Percy's advice?
Annabeth takes Percy's advice by sending her father a letter asking if he still wanted to see her.
How dies Percy convince the Empire State Building guard to let him see Zeus?
Percy convinces the Empire State Building guard to let him see Zeus by showing him the bolt.
How do Annabeth and Grover prove themselves to be real friends to Percy?
They prove that they are good friends because they told Percy they will stay in the Underworld so he can take his mom.
How does Annabeth pay for the trip to Los Angeles?
Annabeth pays for the trip to Los Angeles by using the Lotus Casino card.
How does Annabeth save them? Why is she able to do this?
Annabeth saves them by giving the ball form the Waterworld and she is able to do this because she had a dog and she trained her dog at obedience school.
How does Percy feel when he is in Hades' presence?
Percy feels as if Hades should be his master in his presence.
How does Percy's mom get enough money to go to college?
Sally gets enough money to go to college by selling her life-size concrete sculpture to a collector, through an art gallery in Soho.
How does Percy trick the giant?
Percy tricks the giant by telling it to test one of the beds to see if it really has dynamic stabilizers and he snaps, says ERGO.
How does Zeus reward Percy?
Zeus rewards Percy by sparing his life instead of killing him.
How do they finally convince Charon to take them to the elevator?
They finally convince Charon to take them into the elevator by telling him that their going to tell Hades for a raise and they pay him with golden drachmas.
Luke says,"Western Civilization is a disease." What do you think he means by that?
I think he means that the Western Civilization is fake and not real.
Percy says he is glad, in a strange way, that Poseidon is so distant? Why?
Percy is glad that Poseidon is distant because is he tried apologizing or told him he loved Percy, it would have felt fake.
What can you determine from the scene at Tartarus?Can you guess who is in Tartarus?
I think from the scene at Tartarus someone wants to kill Percy and the person in Tartarus is Kronos.
What deal does Percy make with Ares?
The deal Percy makes with Ares is that if he wins then he gets to keep the bolt and helm and Ares has to leave him alone. If Ares wins then he gets to keep the bolt and helm and turn Percy into anything he wants.
What does Crusty do to his customers?
Crusty makes his customers six feet tall to fit into the beds.
What does Percy mean when he looks at the crowds on the Field of Asphodel and thinks, "The dead aren't scary. They're just sad."
Percy means that the dead are lonely and just need someone to understand them.
What does Percy realize about monsters at the end of the chapter?
Percy realizes that even monsters deserve a little attention once in a while.
What does the River Styx look like? Why does it look this way?
The River Styx looks like a dark oily river with bones, dead fish, and other stranger things. It looks like that because people have been throwing hopes, dreams, and wishes that never came true.
What do you have to do to enter the Isles of the Blest?
To enter the Isles of the Blest you need to be reborn three times and achieve Elysium three times.
What happens to Grover in this chapter?
In this chapter, Grover gets to leave to look for the great god, Pan.
What is the address for the Underworld? How did Percy find it? What do the initials stand for?
The address of the Underworld is DOA Recording Studios. Percy found it on the bulletin board. The initials stand for dead on arrival.
What is the bead for Percy's first summer?
The bead for Percy's first summer is a sea-green trident.
What is unique about Backbiter, Luke's new sword?
Luke's new sword has two types of metal- one edge bronze, the other stele it is also unique because it lets him kill mortals.
What mistake do Percy, Grover, and Annabeth make when seeking entrance to go into the Underworld?
The mistake Percy, Grover, and Annabeth make when seeking entrance to go into the Underworld is that they lie that they dies in the bathtub, Annabeth wanted to go when no one else did, and Percy mispronounced Charon's name.
What sort of problems does Hades complain about?
Hades complains about that he doesn't want anymore subjects, the expenses, and Charon when he discovered the Italian suits.