
Jack works for Red, Blue and Green CPAs. Each year Red, Blue and Green asks Jack to fill out a form indicating all of his financial interests and those of his family members and close friends. Red, Blue and Green uses these charts to ensure that their auditors comply with the independence standards as described by the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.Code of Professional Conduct contains examples of situations that may impair an auditor's independence. Relationships are divided into three categories for purposes of the interpretations: immediate family, close relatives, and other relatives and friends. It is important for an auditor to understand how existing relationships fit into these categories so that the auditor can determine if there is an effect on his or her independence. Understanding of relationships is of primary importance to understanding the auditor's Code of Professional Conduct regarding independence. Place the following relationships into the appropriate category.1. Immediate Family2. Close Relative3. Other Relative or Frienda. Dependent b. Childc. Father d. Cousine. Spouse f. Sisterg. Golfh. Partneri. Spouse j. Equivalentk. Brother l. Niecem. Dependent n. Parento. Motherp. Nephewq. Independent r. Childs. College t. Friendu. Grand fatherRoommate

Answer :


1.Immediate Family:


Dependent Child

Dependent Parent

Spouse Equivalent

2.Close Relatives:





Grand Father

Independent Child

3.Other Relatives and Friends:




Golf Partner

College Friend



AICPA code of professional conduct are standards that are followed by CPA professionals.  It is important and necessary for CPA professionals to understand the rules and standard of professional guidance and abide by them. There are two major sections of Code of Professional Conduct:

1. Rules

2. Standards

Rules are enforceable and required to be followed. Standards are the guidance which helps to make decision in certain situations.