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Even the title Breaking Night has a deeper meaning: “Staying up through the night until the sun  rises.” This message signifies the hardships and challenges as one breaks through the  night. In her memoir, Murray portrays the challenges and obstacles she encountered as a  naïve homeless teenager while aspiring to create a better life for herself, despite her  parent’s drug addiction and life on welfare. Although it hurt Murray that her parents were constantly high, she never stopped loving  them. As evidenced in her memoir she stated, “I couldn’t heal my parents, as much as I  wanted to, but I could forgive and love them.” This internal conflict and her personal  desire to forgive is a theme in the memoir. The book  demonstrates that an independent and self-sufficient teenage girl can not only survive her  struggles, but also can succeed and achieve. Despite this, Murray shows how anything  can happen when you persevere and try to turn your life around. Murray’s memoir  teaches you that: “It’s not about having more stuff, it not about the next accomplishment  but its really about being peace with yourself and finding a way to integrate the thing you  value with the actually way you live.”