
1. How many shares of AhBeeSee were sold?
just wanted to say that I hope yall are doing okay because I know most of you aren't and I really hope this can at least put a smile on your face but I love everyone and anyone :) I don't really care about what you look like, I just know that we're all human and we're trying our best, even if it's not the right thing, it's still better than not trying. the point of life is to make mistakes and learn from them. I think that if you don't learn from them and can't acknowledge them then you're missing out on life, we're not perfect, but as long as you keep trying that's all that I care about, id.k if you don't have a reason to live at least let me be the reason to want to live, live because I said so and I would be sad if you didn't live <3

1 How Many Shares Of AhBeeSee Were Sold Just Wanted To Say That I Hope Yall Are Doing Okay Because I Know Most Of You Arent And I Really Hope This Can At Least class=