
What is juxtaposition?

What is paradox? List some from The Great Gatsby

List some symbols in The Great Gatsby

Which character is a hypocrite?

How did Daisy become central to Gatsby’s dream?

At the end of the novel, Nick makes a comparison of similarity between which two characters?

After everything has happened, what does Nick think of Daisy and Tom Buchanan?

What does futility mean?

What does it mean to be opportunistic?

How did Dan Cody influence Jay Gatsby’s life?

How did each of the character’s involved in chapter 7 react to Myrtle’s death



Jordan: ______________________________________________________________________________


Daisy: ________________________________________________________________________________

George: ______________________________________________________________________________

Why did no one show up for Gatsby’s funeral?

Fitzgerald makes an allusion to the Holy Grail. What is it?

Nick Carraway uses this allusion when talking about Gatsby and his pursuit of whom?