
In the South, black people who did not follow the customs and laws of Jim Crow faced violent consequences. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), a white supremacist group that still exists today, gained strength in the early 1900s. Angry white mobs would lynch someone who did not adhere to the accepted racial order. In 1955, Emmett Till was lynched in Mississippi. He had been accused of offending a white woman in a grocery store. He was only 14 years old. His mother made the powerful choice to give her only son an open casket at his funeral to show the world what the racist murderers had done.
Which of these statements can you infer Emmett Till’s mother would have most likely agreed with? *
14 points
A. The KKK was a white supremacist group that disbanded in the 1960s.
B. The world needs to confront the violence of racism in order to fight it.
C. Segregation was losing its hold on the South by the 1950s.
D. Lynchings are rare, and people should not be afraid.

Answer :


In 1955, two white men brutally murdered African American teenager Emmett Till for reportedly flirting with a white woman in the town of Money, Mississippi.

Till's mother Mamie held an open-casket funeral so that the world could see the violence that murderous racists had inflicted on her son's body. The funeral drew over 100,000 mourners.

Till's murderers stood trial one month later, in a case that received a great deal of media attention across the United States and the world. Both men were acquitted.

Till's death, and the acquittal of his murderers, laid bare the savagery of racism in the United States and served as an inspiration to a generation of civil rights activists.


the answer seems like it should be choice b seeming as it said the answer in the passage itself