Answer :
Answer: So when it comes to art, composition is the arrangement of elements within the pictorial space (or three-dimensional space with a sculpture). The positioning and arrangement of elements within a work affect how a viewer interacts with what we create. Just like with a song, the possibilities are endless.
The Uses of Space. Many new artists overlook the importance of creating space in a drawing or painting. The result usually looks flat or objects can appear to be floating. Perspective - Linear perspective is a drawing method that uses lines to create the illusion of space on a flat surface.
Some principles of organization affecting the composition of a picture are:
Shape and proportion. Positioning/orientation/balance/harmony among the elements. The area within the field of view used for the picture ("cropping") The path or direction followed by the viewer's eye when they observe the image. Negative space.
A good composition is one that has just enough detail. Too few elements is bad because it robs the work of art of necessary detail that makes correct interpretation possible. It also ruins the balance of an image. And too many elements can be very distracting as well. Good composition requires good balance.
A good composition is one where the artist controls the movement of the viewer's eye to a beneficial result. We can do this by a number of means, such as reinforcing the focal point with the Rule of Thirds, implied lines, contrast of value and selective colour saturation.
Have a great day!!