Answer :
Yes. Different blood types infused into another person can cause serious problems (unless the donor is O-).
O- can be used for anyone; it is the universal blood type.
In a transfusion involving blood types A and O, we can say that it makes a difference which blood type belongs to the recipient and which belongs to the donor, because the carrier of type O blood cannot receive blood of another blood type, to understand more.....
Blood transfusion
In order to know whether a blood transfusion can be performed without risk of incompatibility reactions, which can be harmful to the person receiving the donated blood, the blood types between donor and recipient must be compatible.
The two most common ways to assess compatibility between different blood types are through the ABO system and the Rh system.
The ABO system classifies blood into four groups or types:
- A
- B
- AB
- and O.
In the Rh system, there are two types of blood Rh + (positive) and Rh - (negative).
In general, type A blood can be donated to people with the same blood type and AB blood.
Someone with blood type B can also donate to the same blood type B and people with type AB blood.
In turn, people with AB blood can receive blood from all four types, but they can only donate to type AB itself.
While, type O blood can be donated to all four types, but it can only receive type O blood.
With this information, we can say that the carrier of blood type O is a universal donor, but cannot receive another blood type other than O.
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