Answer :
References prove the quality and reliability of a research document. They must be properly written, including the author's name, title, year, and URL if needed.
What is the importance of listing the sources of a research?
When writing a document about a research work, it is important to list the sources used during the investigation
One of the main priorities is to provide trustworthiness. The research must prove its quality, so should be based on reliable information and methodology.
When looking for information, we always need to look for reliable scientific information. These are investigations previously carried out by other researchers and evaluated by qualified professionals.
We can find scientific information in books, encyclopedias, scientific journals, and magazines, among others. These sources can be found on the web or printed out.
While writing the document, it is necessary to avoid plagiarism and to cite and make a reference to every consulted material.
Cites are placed in the middle of the document, while references are listed at the end.
There are different methodologies used to list sources. For instance,
- Pressed books
Lastname, first name letter (year). Book Tittle (edition). City or Country: Publisher.
- Pressed book chapter
Lastname, first name letter (year). Chapter Tittle. In Lastname, first name letter. Book title (pages pp. Xx-Zz). City or Country: Publisher.
- Tesis
Lastname, first name letter (year). Tesis Tittle. Graduation Level. Institution. City or Country.
- Scientific magazines and journals
Lastname, first name letter (year). Article Tittle. Magazine or journal tittle. Volume (number). pages pp. Xx-Zz.
- Internet books
Lastname, first name letter (year). Book Tittle. Recovery date, from
- Internet Enciclopedia
Author or publisher Lastname, first name letter (year). Article tittle. Encyclopedia tittle [electronic version]. City or country: Publisher. From
- Online Tesis
Lastname, first name letter (year). Tesis Tittle. Graduation Level. Institution. City or Country. Recovery date, from
- Website
Lastname, first name letter (year). Tittle. Recovery date, from
You can learn more about how to list sources at