
An intoxicated Mr. Bedford from The First Men in the Moon compares his own discoveries on the moon to those of Christopher Columbus. During his impromptu speech, he exclaims that the moon must be annexed as part of the “White Man’s Burden.” Your assignment for this mini-research project is to gather information on the White Man’s Burden. What was it? Who was a part of it? What were their motivations? Be sure to record the information you need to properly document your sources. View the MLA Style Guide. Write a paragraph of at least 150 words comparing the motives of those involved to the motives of Mr. Bedford as he imagines himself starting a business on the moon. All of your sources should be correctly cited, using the MLA format for in-text citations and providing a Works Cited page.

Answer :


The Whites Man"s Burden was-written by Rudyard Kipling in 1899 In "The White Man's Burden", Kipling encouraged American colonization and take control of the Philippine Islands, the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean was a battle ground for the three-month long Spanish–American War. In 1901, Mark Twain's book justified and defended in "The White Man's Burden." Going back to the year 1899, it was Kipling's jingoism that provoked contemporary poetic parodies that expressed anti-imperialist moral outrage, by critically addressing the white-supremacy and racism like:"The Brown Man's Burden:a response to Kipling" February of 1899, by a British politician and the April of 1899, by H. T. Johnson and the poem "Take Up the Black Man's Burden", by the American educator J. Dallas Bowser.