
Answer :

I think that it is time to finally see the rise of women that is taking over because for whatever reason men feel as though this is “a mans world”. Its sad that when women try and take over we’re are being ‘’bossy’’, ‘’pushy’’, ‘’annoying’’, or that “we think we know everything”. When in reality it’s the other way around. Men can be all of those things but yet, no one acknowledges these things. Men feel as though they know everything and that women don’t know anything. I feel as though there should be more people that look like me in charge. Now you may say “What do you mean?” I mean that I want to see more women taking control. We aren’t trying to seem “bossy” or “pushy” when giving directions or anything, we just want whatever the task is to be done right! I want to see more women because as a female I feel as though I need the empowerment.