
this is for all the kids that want to kill them selfs.

dont tell people that you're suicidal, only a adult in real life can help you with that, and you know that. you guys just want attention.

a person might help you online, I've tried but I realized that what I'm doing is WRONG, they need to confront a adult.

please dont have those thoughts and confront an adult

Answer :


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dont listen to this person. you tell as many people who are close to you and that you trust tell them! they can help you through it and make sure you're okay! you can go to an adult yes that is a good choice... but its not always about attention. thats what people dont understand is that depression and sucidal thoughts take over you're life when you have them. people will say its for attention when you know its not. when you have anxiety, deppresion, sucidal thoughts, etc. its not a button you can press and be like yep im all better I just wont have these thoughts anymore. its not like that! at all. it takes time and effort just remember you are worth living and you are going to be okay!! talk to someone who is close then if you ever have tendencies then tell an adult or a friend that you're close with and tell them you need help. because you were put on this floating rock for a reason and dont you ever forget it! and dont let anyone tell you how to live you're life! d what brings you joy even if no one else is doing it do it! that thing you have always wanted to do but were too scared too just do it! you only live once so let it be an extraordinary life! make yourself proud of what you have done in life because too many people die with regrets so dont be that person!! have a great day if anyone ever needs anyone I will be here my in.sta is kitty_the_dinosaur_rawr I know weird name but just dm if you need help I will be there okay? have a great day!!


uh. have a nice day.

Step-by-step explanation: