What do you think would have happened if France had not entered the Revolutionary War on the side of the Americans? 5 sentences

The British would have held the advantage.
The American population could provide people/manpower and loyalty to the cause, however, they wouldn't have been able to maintain their army to fight the British for long. Since the Americans initially didn't have the funding or resources to fight the British for long periods of time, the French supplied this. Additionally, when the French entered the war, they also dedicated their Navy to the cause. This dedication of the Navy made it so that the British had to fight Americans on soil and the French in sea warfare. Without French involvement the American Continental Army would have lacked the proper supplies and funding for the war efforts against the British. With the Americans lacking their key pillars of war they most likely would have lost to the British.
French land forces played a significant, but not indispensable, role in bringing the American Revolution to a speedy end. The French Navy however was integral in securing the victory at Yorktown and encouraging England to accept a negotiated peace. For the purposes of this "what if", I'm going to start at the Battle of Yorktown after Cornwallis retreated into the city. Cornwallis gets reinforced by sea from New York. While I believe it is plausible for him to achieve a breakout from the siege, the breakout would severely tax British resources.