
Answer :


The major levels of organization in the body, from the simplest to the most complex are: atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and the human organism.


Hey There!






An organ is a collection of tissues that structurally form a functional unit specialized to perform a particular function.


[tex]\Huge\text{Levels of Biological Organization}[/tex]

  1. Cell - The smallest unit of life. Example: Red Blood Cell
  2. Tissue - A group of similar cells that perform a specific function. Example: Muscle Tissue
  3. Organ - A structure within an organism usually composed of several tissue types that form a functional unit. Example: Stomach
  4. Organ System - Two or more organs working together in the execution of a specific bodily function. Example: Respiratory System
  5. Multicellular Organism - An individual living thing. Example: A single H.o.m.o Sapiens(Human Being).
  6. Species - Very similar, potentially interbreeding organism. Example: All cats, dogs, humans.
  7. Population - Members of one species inhabiting the same area. Example: Population of people living in USA
  8. Community - Two or more populations of different species living and interacting in the same area. Example: Cats and Hooomans living together in the same area or house.
  9. Ecosystem - A community together with its non-living surroundings. Example: Pond Ecosystem
  10. Biosphere - Different Ecosystems altogether makes Biosphere. Example: Planet Earth is biosphere


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