
9. I have the lowest electronegativity of the nonreactive elements. My family name is ____________. I am classified as a ___________. I have _____________ valence electrons.

Answer :


I have the lowest electronegativity of the nonreactive elements. My family name is alkali metals. I am classified as a reactive metal. I have one valence electrons.


Electronegativity refers to the ability of the atoms of an element to attract electrons to itself. Based on their nature, non-metals are electronegative elements whereas metal are electropositive as they have a tendency to give up their electrons rather than attract electrons to themselves.

In the periodic table of elements, non-metallic character, and hence, electronegativity increases from left to right across a period, and decreases down a group. The most electropositive element is fluorine. On the other hand, electropositivity decreases across a period from left to right but increases on going down a group. Hence, the most electropositive element is Francium. This also means that Francium is the least electronegative element,

francium belong to the group 1A of the periodic table which are the most reactive metals. The family of group 1A elements are known as alkali metals. They possess only one valence electron which they easily give up to form univalent positive ions or cations. Francium is a radioactive element.