Answer :
A-day in which he was sleeping,
R-aindrops kiss the earth whispering,
C-ertainty, misleading,
H-appiness is love, nothing.
I-am reactive time, I went with him rotting,
T-alk much to say nothing,
E-nough for the dying,
C-aressing each stanza, born of spring.
aressing each stanza, born of spring.
T-ears saying,
U-ndo the fog of waiting,
R-avaging nature without naming,
E-aten in peace and sibling.
Acrostic of Architecture :
A-rchitectures replicate.
R-epressive apparatuses compound.
C-ultural constructions construct.
H-ypothetical constructs use.
I-deological constructs create.
T-heological aesthetics look.
E-xpert systems construct.
C-onstructions construct.
T-ier architectures replicate.
U-pper floors architect.
R-elevant constructs develop.
E-xplanatory constructs create.
A-rchitectures replicate.
R-epressive apparatuses compound.
C-ultural constructions construct.
H-ypothetical constructs use.
I-deological constructs create.
T-heological aesthetics look.
E-xpert systems construct.
C-onstructions construct.
T-ier architectures replicate.
U-pper floors architect.
R-elevant constructs develop.
E-xplanatory constructs create.