
pls can u give me advice I try to become thin but I fail because I always say from tomorrow I will do exercise and stop eating much but I fail cuz I always want to eat even if I'm full and when I share my problem with my parents they don't help me instead they say it's good to eat more my can't they see that I'm overweight and I'm 14 and I'm 70 kg I wanna lose weight but why I can't control myself why I wanna be thin so badly but I don't know how Iand I start eating so much day by day I'm obsessed with eating please help me please give me advices please I will really appreciate it​

Answer :

Umm, well it is healthy to be in shape. But eating is not the only factor, there are many more like working out or genetic factors. I eat loads but I am still not fat (without workout). Some of my friends eat very little and also do work out and they are still fat.

I would still advice to eat loads and healthy (I mean vegetables and things). Working out will also help.

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