
Crickets "chirp" by rubbing their wings or legs over each other. This phenomenon is known as stridulation. It is a means by which male crickets "call" to females to communicate their interest in mating. Frequency refers to the number of chirps that crickets produce during a period of time. Some have suggested that you can tell the temperature and the humidity based on how fast crickets chirp.

a. What is the effect of temperature on the frequency of cricket chirping? As the temperature rises, the cricket chirp occurs more rapidly therefore increasing.
b. What is the effect of humidity on the frequency of cricket chirping? As the humidity rises, the cricket chirp frequency occurs more rapidly therefore increasing.

Answer :


a. As the temperature rises, the cricket chirp occurs more rapidly therefore increasing. It is correct.

b. As the humidity rises, the cricket chirp frequency occurs more rapidly therefore increasing. It is incorrect. The increase in humidity does not affect the chirp frequency in crickets.


As temperature increases, the frequency of cricket chirp increases too. After listening to the audios, we can see that in the first audio, where the temperature is 14° Celcius, the frequency is 24 chirps in 15 seconds. In the second audio, with 19° Celcius, the frequency is 28 chirps in 15 seconds. In the last audio, where the temperature is 24° Celcius, the chirp's frequency is 34 chirps in 15 seconds. In conclusion, if the temperature increases, the chirps' frequency increases too.

As humidity increases, the frequency of the chirp does not. In the three audios, the number of chirps in 15 seconds was 20. We can conclude that humidity does not affect the frequency of chirps frequency.