
Listed below are several terms and phrases associated with operational assets. Pair each item from List A (by letter) with the item from List B that is most appropriately associated with it.List A List B_____ 1. Depreciation_____ 2. Goodwill_____ 3. Amortization_____ 4. Natural resources_____ 5. Intangible assets_____ 6. Copyright_____ 7. Trademarka. Exclusive right to display a word, a symbol, or anemblem.b. Exclusive right to benefit from a creative work.c. Assets that represent contractual rights.d. Oil and gas deposits, timber tracts, and mineraldeposits.e. Purchase price less fair value of net identifiableassets.f. The allocation of cost for plant and equipment.g. The allocation of cost for intangible assets.

Answer :


   List A                       Most appropriately associated

1. Depreciation        The allocation of cost for plant and equipment.

2. Goodwill              Purchase price less fair value of net identifiable assets.

3. Amortization        The allocation of cost for intangible assets.

4. N. resources        Oil and gas deposits, timber tracts, and mineral deposits

5. Intang. assets      Assets that represent contractual rights

6. Copyright             Exclusive right to benefit from a creative work

7. Trademark           Exclusive right to display a word, a symbol, or an emblem