
Answer :


It is an anti war poem

I don't think he romanticizing war

About the nature of fighting, he portrays it as ruthless


I think this because it is stating the sad bits about what happens in war. There are several parts that support the claim, for example, "All went lame, all blind; Drunk with; deaf even to the hoots Of gas- shells dropping softly behind." This piece of information proves that this is an anti war poem because it put a negative connotation on what happens in war.

I don't think he is necessarily romanticizing the War. I think the author is just trying to write it more appealingly. This is becuase there is explaining in the poem about the effects of the war. What happens to the families and the people who served. PUT TEXT EVIDENCE

About the nature of fighting, he portrays it as ruthless. He does this by describing the actions in the war, and the results of the War. PUT TEXT EVIDENCE