
Answer :




A poem about society and racism

They returned home

to a war raging against racism;

this battle becoming  

their new “In-Country” "Out Post!"

We now bash and murder people

for whom they freely choose to love.

It makes me often wonder

if God judges same sex marriage from Above?

History is sadly repeating itself

wrongly all over this entire earth.

It truly saddens me

for when I see it I lose my mirth.

Why does it always happen

time and time again so very fast;

that all countries wish to forget

the collective sins of their sordid past?

I wrote this poem to spread awareness

of the “biased continued race;”

of us “wrongly hating”

each other’s “precious race!”

What are we really

rushing to wrongly beset?

“Separatism” is the only thing

I can see that we'd sadly get!

Is this the ultimate goal

of those who spread such evil and hate?

We can not take it lightly

because it will “influence our destined fate!”

I know this and lived it all too well;

myself being mixed with “black and white.”

I'm not “black enough to be black”

and not “white enough to be white!”


But I dare not forget

part of my culture is from an Asian influence


East-West Indian to be exact

which added more prejudiced indifference;


I am” half accepted” by some

and “equally despised” by the other!

Is it my own fault I was born

of a “mixed race father and mother?”

Aren’t “we” all the “same;”

irrespective of “race, creed, color, sex, and religion?”

It truly is a shame

those five words only “causes racial division!”

Here is something I wish for you all

to think about extremely hard.

If you're at deaths door and need a transplant

would you ask the color on your donor’s card?

Please ponder this question also;

if one “race of people” are “superior” to another,

then shouldn't “their blood” not be able

to "be transfused" into that of an “inferior other?”

Blood is blood!

It's the essence of all life;

it knows not ones outer color;

based on that there should be no strife.

If we cut one another;

is all of our blood not red?

Do we not breathe the same air;

and at some point all end up dead?!

We are one people; “human beings”

living on a planet hurtling through infinite time and space.

A great cosmic collision or earth’s natural fury

could at any moment end our precious “human race!”

That's something we should

always sincerely think about,

when we use racial hatred

in taking somebody out!

Life is precious; we must live and let live,

as well as live and let die;

but we must always question

those mortal reasons why?

It makes no hypocritical political difference

that we now fight against our enemy’s oppression's!

When we also beheaded, scalped, buried alive, raped and murdered; committing those same acts of transgressions!

Freedom and liberation we promise them.

Hypocrisy at the end of a gun!

Are we trying to atone

for the same sins we have done?

“Let those without sins

cast the first stone!”

Nobody heeds these words;

and the world will groan!

It's said,

“If society does not learn from the sins of their past;

they are then condemned

to repeat those same “sins of their past!”

This world could never

“fix or heal itself;”

without each “individual country”

first “fixing and healing itself!”

The first “positive step” that should be made;

is to adjust the way we think!

“Negative thoughts” create “negative emotions;”

and the end result will always stink!

I'm not ashamed to admit'...

I was once full of such prejudice and hate!

All it did for me

was close heavens door and open hell's gate!

But after deep Soul searching

and many, many Spiritual battles;

“those  evil snakes” went away

along with their “influential rattles!”

This came about because

I was able to free my mind;

in that life defining moment

this is what I came to find...

when one is

truly centered

and at peace


all you want to do

is make wars cease!

I hope just one,

if not you all;

understand that

a country divided

will ultimately fall!

She will desperately drop

while sobbing on her knees;

and her bloody tears help grow

those dreaded “Poplar Trees.”

Then we'll be united

as we all swing from

a mutually created limb.

History has proven this

it’s the facts;...

and not just me being grim.

So my beloved country

these United States of America;

standing “united” should now become

our primary agenda!

Let's “lead by example”

and start the change;

for the whole world knows

in its own backyard...

is "Where the “Strange Fruit” Grows!"