
Peter, who lived 200 years ago, had a house with no rats in it. One day, his wife
heard some scurrying around on his straw roof. He went up and guess what he
found? A rat's nest. Peter was really smart--where did he think the new rats came
from? Well 200 years ago, people believed that part of the straw roof somehow
turned into rats. Why would Peter, even though he was very intelligent, accept this
We're all really smart, but its not like we're the smartest people in the world. We all know that it takes a momma rat and daddy rat to make some baby rats.
This is because we understand something called the cell theory, because the cell theory is just part of our culture now. It's something a lot of our behaviors and
other ideas are based.
1. All living things are made of cells
2. Cells come from other cells
3. Cells are the smallest unit of life

1. Using two parts of the cell theory, explain to Peter why these two parts show
that the straw roof did not turn into the rats.
2. What do we mean when we say 'The cell is the smallest unit of life? Explain as if
you were talking to Peter, who has no idea about cells.

Answer :


1 is always rifht


i think so

All living things are made of cells  and Cells come from other cells are the two parts of the cell theory.

  • These two statements are used to show to peter about the presence of rats in the straw roof. The straw roof did not turn into the rats because straw is a non-living whereas rats are living. Rats increases its population when the male rate mate with the female rate produces baby rats.
  • All living organisms has the ability of reproduction through sexual and asexual.
  • The cell is the smallest unit of life' from this statement we mean that the body of all living organisms are made up of cells just like a building which is made up of bricks so we can say that this example is enough for the Peter to understand the statement about cells.

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