
What makes teenagers feel the most insecure? Clothes? Music? Intelligence? What makes people judge other people? How can we fix this problem in society? Write a 7 sentence response.

Answer :

For me personally Clothes and my skin make me feel most insecure! Some ways we can fix these insecurities is by having uniforms, or a speech about people who do bully, and or make fun of people because of it. We could also have a speech about self love for all the people who have what so called “ugly bodies”. You could also upgrade how many times a day people go too the gym such as “instead of 1 day a week change it too 2 days a week”, so people get the health they need. You should also have salads each day for everybody too eat (but make it optional). Also start asking students if they look down or tired if they need a therapist, it may mean they are being mentally abused, or depression and anxiety. Please start checking up on them. Thank you :).


I would say clothes, intelligence, and the constant fear of being judged.


To start, clothing can be a tough choice; you dont know if people are going to judge you if you wear a shirt with something funny on it. people think you might have a terrible sense of humor becase of the shirt. If you arent, say the brightest lightbulb in the room, the fear of the judgement of your seemingly fruitless effort. I did a small amount of research, and came across this:


It talks about an effect called the imaginary audience. This is what seems to tell us that our peers have rendered you worthless and insolent. Sadly, there is not much to do about the insecurity and the people that fuel it. The one thing that could help is to stop worrying, and thats easier said than done.