Answer :
Answer: Common Name Scientific Name
Lilac More about Lilac... Syringa
Lily Lilium
Lotus Flower More about Lotus Flower... Nelumbo
Marigold More about Marigold... Tagetes
Step-by-step explanation:
1) Carnations. These ruffly flowers are perfect for the romantic on a budget. ...
2) Irises. Purple is the color of royalty, so it's no wonder that these flowers stand for faith and hope. ...
3) Lavender. This sweet-smelling flower is given to others as a sign of devotion. ...
4) Roses. ...
5) Tulips. ...
6) Sunflowers. ...
7) Gardenias. ...
8) Orchids.
the names on the right are the botanical names
African lily= Agapanthus
Alpine thistle= Eryngium
Amaryllis= Hippeastrum
Amazon lily= Eucharis
Arum Lily= Zantedeschia
Baby’s breath= Gypsophila
Barberton= Daisy gerbera
Bell Flower/Canterbury Bells= Campanula
Bells of Ireland= Moluccella
Bird of paradise=Strelizia
Bleeding Heart= Dicentra spectabilis
Bloom= Chrysanthemum
Blue throatwort= Trachelium
Broom= Genista
Busy Lizzie= Impatiens
Calla lily= Zantedeschia
Canterbury Bells/Bell Flower= Campanula
Carnation= Dianthus
Chincerinchee Ornithogalum
Christmas rose Hellebore
Cockscomb Celosia
Columbine Aquilegia
Coneflower Echinacea
Cornflower Centaurea
Daffodil Narcissus
Evening primrose Oenothera
Feverfew Tanacetum parthenium
Flame tip Leucadendron
Flamingo flower/painter’s palette Anthurium
Forget-me-not Myosotis
Foxglove Digitalis
Gay feather Liatris
Globe thistle Echinops
Golden rod Solidago
Grape hyacinth Muscari
Guernsey lily Nerine
Hyacinth Hyacinthus
Iris Iris
Jersey lily Amaryllis Belladonna
Lady’s mantle Alchemilla
Larkspur Delphinium consolida
Lavender Lavandula
Lilac Syringa
Lily Lilium
Lisianthus Eustoma
Lobster claw Heliconia
Love in a mist Nigella
Lupin Lupinus
Marigold Calendula
Michaelmas Daisy Aster
Mimosa Acacia
Moth orchid Phelanopsis
Mums Spray chrysanthemum
Painter’s palette/Flamingo flower Anthurium
Peony Paeonia
Peruvian lily Alstromeria
Prairie gentian Lisianthus
Rose Rosa
Scabious Scabiosa
Sea lavender Limonium
September flower Aster
Singapore orchid Dendrobium
Snapdragon Antirrhinum
Spray carnation Dianthus
Statice Limonium
Stock Matthiola
Sugarbush Protea
Sunflower Helianthus
Sweet pea Lathyrus
Sweet william Dianthus barbatus
Sword lily Gladiolus
Transvaal daisy Gerbera
Tulip Tulipa
Waxflower Chamaelaucium
Windflower Anemone
Yarrow Achillia