
The total population of giraffes in a community is 200. The birth rate of the giraffe population is 14/100 per year, the death rate is 10/100 per year, and the emigration rate is 2/100. What is the per capita rate of increase, including emigration, in the giraffe population for this year?


Answer :

The per capita rate of increase is 0.2.

The total population of giraffes in a community is 200. The birth rate of the giraffe population is 14/100 per year, the death rate is 10/100 per year, and the emigration rate is 2/100. the per capita rate of increase, by 0.2.

What is difference between emigration and immigration?

Emigrate means to exit one place, such as one's born country or region, to live in another.

Entery means to move into a non-resident country or region to live. Associate the I of enter with “in” to remember that the word implies moving into a new country.

Thus, option "B" is correct, 0.2.

To learn more about emigration  click here:
