
The excerpt below was from a notice posted by J.J. Cook of the Confederate Army.
Notice! Headquarters. Galveston, October 4th, 1862. 10 o'clock P.M. The Commander of the Federal Naval Fleet having granted four days' time to remove the women and children from the City. Notice is hereby given to the citizens, that they may avail themselves of the opportunity of leaving.

The notice above represents precautions taken by the Confederate army before the battle. Based on the information from the notice, which of the following statements best reflects the priorities of Texas military leaders before a battle?

A. They were concerned with finding as many deserters as possible
B. They were concerned with evacuating the elderly
C. They were concerned with enlisting as many people as possible to fight
D. They were concerned with evacuating women and children

The Excerpt Below Was From A Notice Posted By JJ Cook Of The Confederate Army Notice Headquarters Galveston October 4th 1862 10 Oclock PM The Commander Of The F class=