
• A predicate noun is a noun that identifies or renames the subject of the sentence.
• A predicate pronoun is a pronoun that identifies or renames the subject of the sentence.
• A predicate adjective is an adjective that describes the subject of the sentence.

Identify the subject complement, by writing PN for predicate noun, PP for predicate pronoun, or PA for predicate adjective.
1. Clara’s uncle was he.
2. Her uncle’s experiments were strange-smelling liquids.
3. His moustache was thin.
4. Nicolás is Marcos’s great-nephew.
5. Marcos once became a clairvoyant.
6. The person most affected by his death is she.

In each sentence, identify the linking verb and the subject complement.
1. The instrument is a high-pitched noisemaker.
2. The woman standing in the window was she.
3. Marcos’s shipment was enormous boxes.
4. The man with the adventurous spirit is he.
5. Marcos became ill and tried to return home.