
Paul is 14 years old.
His sister is exactly 6 years younger, so this year she is 8 years old.
This year, the ratio of Paul’s age to his sister’s age is 14 : 8

14 : 8 written as simply as possible is 7 : 4

When Paul is 21, what will be the ratio of Paul’s age to his sister’s age?
Write the ratio as simply as possible.

Answer :


ratio = 21:15

Step-by-step explanation:

Paul's sister is 6 years younger than Paul so that means if Paul is 21, 21 - 6 = 15. Your new ratio would be 21:15

21:15 written as simply as possible is 10.5:7.5 or 11:8

I'm sorry if you get it wrong :(


7:6 I believe is it's simplest form