Answer :
From frontline healthcare workers and public health officials to teachers, sanitation workers, social welfare officers and more, the humble public servant has been thrust into the spotlight, helping elevate awareness and understanding of the critical role public servants play in everyday life, and in particular during times of severe crises, such as the CO VID-19 pandemic.
In the ongoing CO VID-19 pandemic however, public servants are working under life-threatening circumstances. In all CO VID-19 pandemic affected countries they are both expected to deliver services despite the pandemic while at the same time suffering its impact, either by being directly infected or having family members who are. Moreover, the pandemic hit the world at a time when, according to World Health Organization (WHO), the world needs six million more nurses and midwives to achieve global health targets within the S D Gs. These critical workers are confronting a dangerous highly infectious virus but they in insufficient numbers.
Got it off a website ;)