
Determine whether you can construct many, one, or no triangle(s) with each description.

An isosceles triangle with side lengths of 6 cm, 6 cm, and 9 cm
One Triangle
Many Triangles
No Triangles

A right triangle with side lengths of 9 cm, 12 cm, and 15 cm
One Triangle
Many Triangles
No Triangles

A scalene triangle with angle measures of 140° and 20°
One Triangle
Many Triangles
No Triangles

it looks weird but it's basically asking how many triangles you can make with whatever description it gives- yea im stu.pid and dont understand it

Answer :


First one is one triangle.

Second one is one triangle.

Third one is no triangle (I think, I've never studied this kind of math before so I'm kinda stumped)

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