
How is an analogy different from a simile and a metaphor?
An analogy compares things, while similes and metaphors only describe them.
An analogy compares several different aspects of one thing to another.
An analogy uses like or as to make a direct, simple comparison.­
An analogy makes a direct, simple comparison without using the words like or as.

Answer :

Answer: A simile is saying something is like something else. A metaphor is often poetically saying something is something else. An analogy is saying something is like something else to make some sort of an explanatory point. You can use metaphors and similes when creating an analogy.


The answer is


A simile is a statement that is saying 2 or more things are alike using the words “like” or “as”

A metaphor is the same thing except they DON’T use the words “like” or “as”

A analogy is saying 2 or more things are DIFFERENT, not SIMILAR, so just about the opposite of a metaphor or simile.