Answer :
Established Name Brand - S - Brings in more customers
Low Prices(Low Cost Leadership ) - S - Retaining customers
Unfair Employment Practices - T - Negatively affects the brand image
Pressures Suppliers on Cost - S - Have bargaining power on suppliers
Recession - T - Can bring down customer spending
Other big box retailers(Target) - T - Competition
Small Towns - O - Not many players
International Markets - O - Growth prospects
Products Made in China - O - Lower prices
Product Safety - S - Retaining customers
Large Purchases (Buy in Bulk) - S - Cost savings
Internet Retailing - O - New growth opportunity
Customer Base - S - Large customer base
No Urban Locations - O - Opportunity to expand
Health Care for Employees - S - Employee satisfaction
Global Presence - S - Large customer base
Price Competition - O - Best in industry
Product Quality - Retaining customers
Customer service- S - Retaining customers
Distribution/Logistics System - S - Lower costs
One Stop Shop - S - Retaining customers
In 15 Countries—not in Europe except for United Kingdom - Opportunity to grow in Europe
Sam’s Club - O - Customer loyalty
Minimum Wage Laws - T - Higher costs
Rising Labor Costs in China - T - Higher costs
Healthcare Costs - T - Higher costs
12% Lower Grocery Prices - S - Cost leadership
Litigation by employees - T - Negatively affects the brand image
Target Superior Merchandising Capability - O - Competition
Community Resistance - T - Negatively affects the brand image
Home Delivery of Goods - O - Growth prospects
Growth of Aldi Food Chain-Europe/North America - T - Competition
Poor Working Conditions - T - Negatively affects the brand image
Dollar stores - T - Competition
Online Retailers - T - Competition