Answer :
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char name[100];
float classp, test, assgn, exam, prctscore,ave;
cout<<"Student Name: ";
cout<<"Class Participation: "; cin>>classp;
while(classp <0 || classp > 100){ cout<<"Class Participation: "; cin>>classp; }
cout<<"Test: "; cin>>test;
while(test <0 || test > 100){ cout<<"Test: "; cin>>test; }
cout<<"Assignment: "; cin>>assgn;
while(assgn <0 || assgn > 100){ cout<<"Assignment: "; cin>>assgn; }
cout<<"Examination: "; cin>>exam;
while(exam <0 || exam > 100){ cout<<"Examination: "; cin>>exam; }
cout<<"Practice Score: "; cin>>prctscore;
while(prctscore <0 || prctscore > 100){ cout<<"Practice Score: "; cin>>prctscore; }
ave = (int)(classp + test + assgn + exam + prctscore)/5;
cout <<setprecision(1)<<fixed<<"The average score is "<<ave;
return 0;}
The required parameters such as cin, cout, etc. implies that the program is to be written in C++ (not C).
So, I answered the program using C++.
Line by line explanation is as follows;
This declares name as character of maximum size of 100 characters
char name[100];
This declares the grading items as float
float classp, test, assgn, exam, prctscore,ave;
This prompts the user for student name
cout<<"Student Name: ";
This gets the student name using getline
This prompts the user for class participation. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)
cout<<"Class Participation: "; cin>>classp;
while(classp <0 || classp > 100){ cout<<"Class Participation: "; cin>>classp; }
This prompts the user for test. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)
cout<<"Test: "; cin>>test;
while(test <0 || test > 100){ cout<<"Test: "; cin>>test; }
This prompts the user for assignment. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)
cout<<"Assignment: "; cin>>assgn;
while(assgn <0 || assgn > 100){ cout<<"Assignment: "; cin>>assgn; }
This prompts the user for examination. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)
cout<<"Examination: "; cin>>exam;
while(exam <0 || exam > 100){ cout<<"Examination: "; cin>>exam; }
This prompts the user for practice score. The corresponding while loop ensures that the score s between 0 and 100 (inclusive)
cout<<"Practice Score: "; cin>>prctscore;
while(prctscore <0 || prctscore > 100){ cout<<"Practice Score: "; cin>>prctscore; }
This calculates the average of the grading items
ave = (int)(classp + test + assgn + exam + prctscore)/5;
This prints the calculated average
cout <<setprecision(1)<<fixed<<"The average score is "<<ave;