
Please help I will be forever grateful. I'm so confused.
1. What do teachers of the Deaf do?

2. Is there a shortage of Teachers of the Deaf?

3. What are 3 types of Teacher Preparation programs for someone who would want to teach Deaf children?

4. What are some colleges that offer programs to become a Teacher of the Deaf? Does your state have any college programs?

5. If a person wanted to teach Deaf students in your state, where could they work? List 4 different schools.

6. Would you be interested in becoming a teacher for the Deaf? Why or Why not.

Answer :



2. Yes there are shortages of teachers of the deaf

3. https://councilondeafed.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/CED-Accredited-Teacher-Preparation-Programs-rev-7_13_2020.pdf

find one here

5. Look up schools for teaching deaf people

1. Teachers of deaf teach sign language.

2. Yes there is a shortage l.

3. Sign language, deaf kid assistant, translator

4. not sure

5. not sure

6. Yes,it would be cool- No, i wanna speak.