- Las Meninas por Velázquez es un ejemplo clásico de la pintura óleo en lienzo. Image 02.
- Dalí dibujó con tinta una imagen del personaje Don Quijote en el estilo impresionista. Image 01.
- El arte expresionista de Barceló fue inuido por los grandes como Picasso y Miró, pero su arte siempre refleja las convenciones de la pintura clásica. Image 04.
- Goya fue considerado el padre del expresionismo cuando empezó a pintar los hechos de la guerra. Image 03.
Velazquez painted Las Meninas on three canvas sewed together. The painting is a combination between reality and illusion. This is what makes this artwork one of the most famous regarding this type of paintings.
Salvador Dali drew images of Don Quixote due to the connection that he felt with the character.
Barcelo is an expressionist painter who used techniques, such as action painting, to express movement and Miro's inspirations in his first paintings. Later on, he started to paint more traditional paintings in combination with his style.
Since expressionism portraits pessimists and sadness, Goya is the father of this movement because he painted what happened in the war.