
Answer :


system software is the software which control overall operation of the computer . For eg. Ms.dos ,window 2003 ,etc whereas application software is a software which work on the top of operating system to solve number of problems .For eg. Ms.word,Ms.excel,etc

Difference between system software and application software :

1.) System software is used for operating computer hardware. On other hand Application software is used by user to perform specific task.

2.) Low level languages are used to write the system software. While high level languages are used to write the application software.

3.) System Software a general purpose software. While application software a specific purpose software.

4.) Without system software, system can’t run. While without application software system always runs.

5.) System software runs when system is turned on and stop when system is turned off. While application software runs as per the user’s request.

6.) System Software programming is complex than application software. Application software programming is simpler as comparison to system software.