Study the maps showing population movement during the Great Migration.
On the left is a map titled Geography of the Great Migration: Early Years. States highlighted from left to right are Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. People from North Carolina migrated to Washington D C and Baltimore. People from South Carolina migrated to Philadelphia and New York City. People from Georgia migrated to Cleveland. People from Alabama migrated to Detroit. People from Mississippi migrated to Chicago. On the right is a map titled Geography of the Great Migration: Later Years. States highlighted left to right are Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. In addition to the Early Years migration, people from Texas migrated to Los Angeles and San Diego. People from Louisiana migrated to San Francisco and Seattle.
Which statement explains what the maps show about how migration changed from the early years to the later years?
In later years, people migrated to Texas.
In later years, people migrated to Northern cities.
In later years, people migrated to Western states.
In later years, people migrated from the North to the West Coast.