
What is Art?
In your own words, please provide a personal definition of art. What is art to you using descriptive language? Please be sure to write in complete sentences. Once you have created a personal definition for art, please select one adjective from a peer's post and discuss how that adjective is relative or non-relative to art in your opinion.

For example:

Art is a form of storytelling that creates passion and energy amongst all mankind. It is a way to be expressive and promote connectivity for all.

If a classmate were to select my definition for further discussion, the word storytelling would be the adjective in this case.
How does storytelling connect to the world of art? Is storytelling always needed when creating or viewing art? Does all art tell a story?
These are the types of questions to think about to help promote and create open channels of discussion

Answer :


Art is a way to express anything creatively with really anything. From dry pasta shaped in a heart on paper, to painting a beautiful mountain range. Art is whatever you make it to be. Art comes from people's imagination.

Storytelling is usually an art in its self. A way to tell a story through art might be painting a house with someone inside crying while someone else is knocking on the door. There is a story right there, it doesn't have to be too complex. Not all art tells a story unless you make it tell a story. Some people just draw shapes and colors or sculpt a person or animal, it doesn't have to be a story.


I hope that helps you. It's completly in my words, not copy and pasted. Don't worry.