Answer :
omg a computer program
i love it
okay so i will assume taht you want the program to be in python
here we go
a = int(input("Enter a number ")
b = int(input("Enter another number ")
sum = a + b
def Digits(sum):
count = 0
while sum != 0:
sum //= 0
count += 1
return count
print(f"Sum is {sum} \nnumber of digits are {Digits(sum)}")
#Sum of Digits
a = int(input("Enter a number: "))
sumofdigits = sum(int(dig) for dig in str(number))
print("Sum of digits: ", sumofdigits)
# Number of digits
count = 0
print ("Total number of digits : ",len(str(abs(a))))
It is pretty self-explanatory however, I will tell it to you anyways. So, the sum of digits iterates to each digit and adds them up. For the number of digits, it uses in-built functions (length, string and absolute)